The two days went by and soon enough the day for his departure was there and it was the saddest day of his life. Taking in a deep breath the young king stood next to his steed, patting his head lovingly. He would have to leave his beloved today...
Istara walked in and leaned against the doorway. "Roland," she whispered quietly, "is one of these horses mine?" She refused to mention the fact that he was leaving. She didn't want to think about it. So she said the first thing that came to her mind. She knew what she was doing but she didn't care. She watched her love stand with his horse and sighed to herself inwardly.
"Yes of course," he said softly and then walked around and got a white mare out for her. "This is yours. Her name is White Starburst," he smiled and then looked down. "I...I got her for you..." He felt embarrassed, like the time he got her the cat and the dog.
She smiled and brightened and came over and threw her hands around his neck and kissed him, then turned to caress White Starburst. "She's beautiful," she whispered, stroking the mare's nose. "Can I ride her to the gate's with you and your mount? Please?"
Biting his bottom lip he thought for a moment. "Well...alright. Yes. I do not think that it will--" He stopped when he heard the trumpets sound. He was wishing for more time with her. "I...I must go..." he said softly and then, mounted his black horse.
She sighed and mounted her snowy mare, bareback. Today she was wearing leggings under her gypsy-skirt, and a gypsies blouse. She smiled sadly at her king and then rode next to him, her skirt floating over the horse as she directed the mare with quiet murmurs and tugs on her mane.
Soon enough they were there and people were mounted up. Swallowing he looked around and then over at his beloved. He was leaving her. Leaving her for now that is. Just for now. Then, he would be back. Within months he would be back. He vowed it. Swallowing, he brushed back his hair and then looked at her. "I love you…”
She blinked to keep the tears from her eyes. “I love you too my King.” She maneuvered her horse to his side and raised herself up slightly to kiss him. “Stay safe M’lord,” she said before turning to gallop back to the stable yard so everyone would not see her cry. Only Roland was supposed to see her cry.
Roland watched her ride away before finally one of the generals tapped his shoulder. He turned reluctantly and gave the signal to ride out as he led the war party out of the castle. He knew not everyone who was leaving today would come back. He could only hope and pray he would be coming back alive. He didn’t know what his death might do to Istara. He shook his head and then continue to lead. No need to think such dreary thoughts. He would come back. He just had to make it through a few months without her and then they could be reunited again.
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