Our Written Words
  PG: Chapter 13

One morning Istara stirred softly and yawned. The last few days had been busy planning for the wedding. Then she'd have two days with him until...she shook her head and refused to think about it. She felt a warmth beside her and saw that it was Star. The little one had even grown a bit in these past four or five days. She looked to the bottom of the bed where Shadow lay. She wondered if they would be ready...again she shook her head and leaned over to wake Roland for the day.

But her dear prince was not there. Oh no, he was not. The next thing any one knew there was a small maid in the room, looking at her. Today was the wedding day, oh, such a glorious day. "Hello, M'lady," she said and then curtsied. "I have your bath ready for today, congratulations." Then, with that, she helped her undress and go into the bath. Once Istara was done with her bath the maid waited for her to dry herself off. She did her hair in soft curls and pulled it up onto her head. She really did look like a princess. Then, once she was done she put the dress onto the bed. "Shall I help you into your dress, lady? Prince Roland is out in the foyer and shall not see you until the wedding today."

Istara shook her head. She was not used to being waited on like this. "No thank you, I can do it myself." She pushed the maid out the door. Then she turned to put the dress on. She put her hand to her hair. She almost felt like she should be wearing a tiara. She sighed and walked over to the bed, Stargazer and Shadowwalker on either side of her. She had insisted they be allowed to come with her, assuring they would behave.

There on the bed, next to the dress, was a little tiara. It sparkled with diamonds. Next to it was a little cape for both of the small animals to wear and a small band for each pet’s front left paw. The dress truly was beautiful, as it laid there. Untouched on it was a small note that said, in his beautiful writing:

"Beloved Istara,
Today on your wedding day is special.
I want you to have everything you possibly can.
You are my moon and stars.
Put the dress on then come into the main hall. From there we shall be wed.
I love you, my little moon, my queen.
Your Roland."

Istara read the note and smiled softly. She first attached the small cape and bands to Star and Shadow. Then she slowly got on the dress, making sure it was perfect. He was right, it fit her perfectly, no problem. It felt amazing on her, this was a truly spectacular material. She picked up the tiara and slid it into her hair and then took a deep breath. With Stargazer and Shadowwalker on either side of her, she walked out and down to the main hall. She wondered what would be awaiting her there.

A soft music was playing as she entered and there were all different types of people there, dukes, duchesses, kings and queens. But also, there were peasants there, and then...gypsies...
Roland stood by the throne next to the minister, looking better then his best. His hair was sleeked back and he was in all white robes. 

As Istara entered trumpets blared and Roland turned to look at her.

Istara had stopped as she entered, her eyes sweeping the crowd. When she spied the gypsy's her eyes scanned the crowd more intently, looking for any familiar faces. No, there weren't any. No, wait, there. A gypsy girl broke free of the crowd and ran up to halt right in front of her. Her eyes were the color of the ocean and her hair was a dark chocolate brown to match Istara's eyes. "Istara," she whispered and at the same time, Istara whispered, "Kilati."

Roland looked over at them and smiled, "Istara." He whispered softly as he walked towards her. "It is time." He smiled and offered his hand to her. He knew that he should allow her to talk with her friend. But it was just...he wanted to marry her and he wanted to marry her now!

Kilati nodded and faded back into the crowd with a whispered promise that she would see her later. Then Istara took Roland's arm gently and walked with him up to the front. She wasn't quite as nervous as he was, but this was a lot of people. Stargazer and Shadowwalker walked beside them. Stargazer walked beside Istara and Shadowwalker walked beside Roland. When they reached the front the ceremony began and Roland looked over at Istara and smiled.

When it was time of the vows he raised his hand. "I have it from here," he said with a smile before turning to Istara. "Istara...I love you. You are everything to me. You are my moon and my stars. You are my heavens. Without you I am but a king, no longer a man." He took both of her hands and kissed them. "You are to be my wife, and you are my life, but most of all, you are my friend. I love you, Istara, my gypsy, my queen, my moon."

She felt the tears well up in her eyes, this time tears of joy. "Roland, I love you more than I ever imagined I could love a man, let alone a man whom I was given to. You may have owned my body but now I give it to you freely, along with my heart and soul. You are my world, you are my prince, you are my king, you are my love. And without you I don't know where I would be. I would love nothing more than to be your wife and your queen, if only you will let me claim you as my husband, my love, and my king."

The ministered smiled and wiped tears from the corners of his eyes. "I.." He cleared his throat. "Give the rings," he whispered and Roland put her ring on her finger. Once she put on his he smiled, taking her hands in his. "You may now kiss the bride,” pronounced the minister.

With that, Roland lowered his lips to hers. Istara sighed in happiness, and leaned up to kiss him, keeping her eyes locked on his until their lips meet and the pure bliss at finally having him as hers made her close her eyes. She then broke away and turned to face the crowd with Roland and smiled sheepishly, Stargazer and Shadowwalker at their feet.

The crowd cheered, but young girls were crying, probably since they no longer had a chance for the prince. Kissing her forehead, Roland smiled. "I love you," he whispered with a smile. "You are now queen." He hugged her to him, and the crowd settled down after a moment.

Istara hugged him, wrapping her arms around him. "Am I not just a princess to your prince? Or are you king suddenly now?" she teased. She hugged him tight once, trying to keep the tears from running down her cheeks. "Thank you for everything my prince, you made my world better. Who knew being your birthday gift could be the best thing to happen to me?"

Roland laughed softly and there were tears in the prince’s--now king’s--eyes. "Yes. I know." He smiled slightly and shook his head. "I can't believe this. I really cannot." He kissed her cheeks. "Oh, love, don't cry." He smiled. "It is suppose to be a happy time. Happy."

She smiled and kissed him soundly. "My silly husband, these are tears of joy. Now let's go get through this reception so that we can spend our two day honeymoon together before ...you have to leave."

He smiled and nodded, taking her by the hand to bring her up to the throne. He sat her down onto it and then kissed her, as the food was divided among the people, and he smiled happily, taking a small sip of wine.

She watched the food being divided equally among the people. Some of the nobles looked disgruntled by the presence of the peasants and gypsies and the fact that they were being treated with equal respect. Istara spoke quietly with one of the guards and a small table was set up next to the royal couple and Kilati, looking slightly wide-eyed, was brought up to sit and eat next to them. Istara smiled. "It's been awhile," she said.

Kilati nodded. "We thought...you'd been killed."

He smiled as he looked over to see another gypsy was seated closer towards them, "I would not allow it," he said, hearing their conversation. "How would I allow anyone to harm her?" He touched Istara's hand lovingly, and raised it to his lips and planted a loving kiss upon it.

Istara smiled at him gently. "Roland love, this is Kilati. She is my closest friend, we call each other sisters. Of course they would have thought I was killed, do you know how many gypsies are captured or killed in your kingdom and others every year?"

He frowned, "Well...not really," he admitted and shrugged, "I really did not know," he said softly and cleared his throat. "Now that I am king we will look into that matter." He looked over at Kilati, "I will not allow anyone to get hurt."

Kilati smiled. "Do not worry your highness, this is what we are used to. No one, not even the peasants, like the gypsies. We are watched by both nobles and peasants and they will even give us their money, but we do not have their respect." She looked around at the crowd. "Istara, it will be hard enough for him being married to you, is it really wise to give me such a place of honor?"

He could see some of the nobles stick their noses up at the gypsies that he had invited. Then again, he had married a gypsy so he just felt like he should have. Brushing his hair from his face he saw a small peasant boy take some food greedily from the table. "Excuse me," he whispered and stood up. He walked towards the little boy, getting him a meal onto a large plate.

Istara smiled. "My Roland will change things Kilati, I can feel it." 

Kilati smiled as she watched him, including the glares he was getting from the nobility. "I can tell Istara. You have a good man there. He treats you right?" 

Istara laughed. "Yes he does." She smirked and added with a drawl, “verrry right.”

Kilati smiled and raised her eyebrows. “I see.”

Istara leaned over. “I need your help with something Kilati…” and Istara continued to convey her plan in whispers before sitting up and then continuing to chat about the fate of the caravan since she had been captured.

After a moment he walked back. The guests were continuously eating, laughing and playing around, the kids running around the palace with the dogs, teasing them with pork chops. 

"Did I miss anything?" he asked with a smile and sat down, a little boy on his lap, his face round and bright.

Istara smiled at the little boy and then up at Roland. "No my love. Just some catching up. Tell me, how much longer must we stay here?" She wanted her time alone with him. He had sworn to her the next two days would be theirs alone, no disturbances from anyone.

He smiled, "We can leave when you wish to leave." He brushed his hair from his face with one hand and set down the boy and let him run off with his plate. "We can leave now, if you want."

She glanced at Kilati, who nodded once. She would remember what they had discussed. Istara then smiled at Roland. "Yes, may we please? It is to crowded and noisy, and I am tired of being looked down on by certain nobles."

He smiled then, nodded and then bowed to Kilati, "It was a pleasure," he said, then turned to his new wife. "Come," he said softly and then took her by the hand, after saying goodnight to the people, and left slowly.

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