More Than Just A Fan?

Plot: What happens when one night a fan introduces himself to the lead singer of the band and the lead singer takes more interest in him than the average fan?
Intro Post: It's late one night after a show and the lead singer of the newest up and coming rock band is out by his car smoking his last mini cigar before he heads home. There's a full moon out and the night is breezy, but warm. Across the street stands a nervous young fan, shifting back and forth behind a tree as he struggles to get up the courage to walk over to the rockstar. He'd been following the singer since his short solo career before he and some of his friends started up the band, A Sensual Odyssey. And here he was, no more than ten feet from that same singer that he'd idolized for so long, trying to work up the courage to go over an talk to him. The boy was wearing black slacks with a silver-buckled belt. A skin-tight black shirt was tucked under the pants and an unbuttoned white casual dress shirt hung loose over it. The shirt sleeves came to just below his elbow. On his neck he wore a collar-like necklace made of three strips of black leather. Taking one last deep breath the boy let it out slowly and forcefully, making a quiet whoosing sound. He brushed his red hair out of his eyes and walked nervously across the street until he stood in front of the singer. He held the artist's first ever solo album he'd released in his hands. "Uhm, would you, sign this for me," he murmured, his normally strong voice suddenly timid and quiet. After glancing quickly once up at his idol's face he had titled his head and his gaze downward slightly as he held out the cd and a silver sharpie in slightly trembling hands. This left him staring at the car his idol was leaning on, a sleek silver sportslike thing, probably european. He swallowed, realizing how small he was compared to this rock star giant. He had walked here after all. Heck, two months of his paycheck had gone into buying his ticket for this chance to see his favorite singer.