Our Written Words
  W/MD: From Different Worlds

Kita's Notes: I really like the plotline for this and I will soon be writing a story like this based on the same cast of characters. I played all characters except Hiro and his little brother Helio. Look for 'From Different Worlds' soon! (When the story gets published the pictures for the cast will also be published.)

Amalesh slipped quietly into the classroom, not bothering to make eye contact with any of the other students. He knew some of the class would not like the fact that he was a freshman in a higher level class. They would like it even less if they found out he was taking this class purely for the sake of knowledge, since it wasn’t required by any stretch of the imagination to take a computer technology class when he wanted to be a high school history and literature teacher. But he wanted to take the class, so he had.

Taking in a deep breath a young male laughed as a group of other males crowed around him, and he leaned back, pushing back his white hair from his hard skin. "Ha. No. I did not do anything to him...that day." He chuckled and the other ones laughed and knocked fists with him. They were known as the White Pack Playboys. Girls and boys lusted after them. He smiled as his white shirt covered by a silken overcoat that was a royal blue color clung to him and he turned his attention to the door. Hmm, new meat. He thought to himself and a smile came onto his lips and he tilted his head to the side. Interesting, very, very interesting.

His scruffy brown ears twitched as he slipped into a seat, the books previously held to his chest being placed under the desk. He then swung his book bag around to slip out his laptop. He flipped it open and woke it up from sleep mode, his slightly bushy tail twitching as he started to pull up the online notes for the class to come. The length and fluffiness of his tail was unusual. Most of his race had slick slim tails. He brushed some of his brown bangs out of his eyes and sighed, leaning back. He was fully prepared for the class to begin. Since he sat in the front of class he didn’t even have to deal with being distracted by other students. He's wearing black pants, a sleeveless black shirt, and a white blouse shirt over it.

He looked towards his friends and his ears twitched, his tail moving back and forth casually, not really all that happy, but it was just a habit for him. He nodded and laughed at what one girl said and then tweaked her cheek and she giggled and looked ready to swoon.

Amalesh's ears twitched and he stifled a growl. He may not have to look at them but his hearing was that of a cat and he nooks help but hate the people being so distracting behind him. He just wanted the teacher to come in and start the class and was relieved when the teacher walked in and called the class to order. Maybe now they would shut up. He plastered his ears to his head in disgruntlement and pulled up the syllabus on his laptop.

He smiled slightly as he looked over at them and tilted his head to the side. Innnnteresting. He grinned a sly, wicked smile and then sat down  in his chair...right next to Amalesh's. The young male’s name? Hiro. Hiro grinned slightly and tilted his head to the side as he watched him, "Hey." He said with a charming smile.

Amalesh's ears twitched as he glared sideways at the guy who had been causing all the ruckus before. He raised his eyebrows as he examined the guy and then turned back to the teacher. "Hey," he said, his tone one of complete disinterest, and his body language portraying the same. In the back of his mind he pondered the fact that this guy probably wasn’t used to being ignored.

He smiled. Very interesting. A challenge. I haven’t have one of those in a while. He nodded and then turned back as the teacher called his name and nodded, "Yeah, sir, just talking' to my newest best friend," he said and the class laughed, shaking their heads. Oh, they all knew what "friend" meant in dear Hiro's language.

So, Hiro was his name. His ears flattened as he was dubbed as a best friend and then laughed at. When the teacher called his name he raised one hand casually. "Professor, please just use Amal." No matter how much he didn’t want to be associated with the disrespectful Neko sitting next to him, he didn’t want to cause a scene in class even more. As the professor finished role call he started on the syllabus. Amal sat up slightly and his ears twitched to catch every word as he made appropriate notes using his laptop.

"Anal? Oh, why not, I haven’t had my fair share today." He said, and the entire class was in an uproar and he grinned and tilted his head to the side, "Wanna go get a bite afterwards, Amal?" he whispered softly and tilted his head to the side, his light brown eyes, the color of melted chocolate, starring at him with a softness that he hadn't possessed earlier.

Amal looked at him, disgusted. Who was this jerk and who did he think Amal was? The teacher wrapped up the syllabus and announced they could go early. "You wish," he said as he slipped his laptop and books into his bag, standing. "The only good part about this class ending is that means I don’t have to put up with you anymore."

He smiled and then stood also, nothing on his desk. "Oh, come on," he said with a smile. "I'm not totally bad, you know." He tilted his head to the side, "It couldn't hurt to have lunch with me and my friends. You’re new. I'm not. I can show you around, you know?" And then REALLY show you around, he added silently, and chuckled to himself.

Amal shouldered his bag and looked at Hiro over his shoulder. "Oh, I saw your friends earlier. There is even less chance of me hanging out with sheep like them than you. Go off with your crowd of admirers." Amal turned and walked towards the door. "But leave me out of your games."

He blinked and tilted his head to the side. Interesting. Very, very...interesting. Blinking he felt his ear twitch and he turned and walked out of the classroom with his friends. Oh, but he did not forget the new boy. Oh, not a chance!

Amal was sitting eating his lunch, as far away from Hiro’s group of friends as he could. Then behind him came a voice he greeted with a sigh.

"Hey lil bro, what are you doing here?"

Amal turned and sighed again. "Come on Astra, sit down."

Astra smiled and bounced into a seat next to him, stealing some of his fries. "So how has your first day on campus been little bro?" she asked playfully. "I hear you had an encounter with Hiro?" Her eyes widened. "How was it? I haven’t been able to catch his attention since I transferred here last semester, not that I haven't tried."

Amal looked up and down his sister and couldn’t help but think she was trying to catch the wrong kind of attention but he had stopped trying to tell her what to do long ago. Today's outfit was an orange and black top that barely held in her boobs complimented by tiny black thing that he supposed could be called shorts and black leggings. Her tail was long and black, slimmed like most other Nekos. Her hair matched her ears and tail in color as well. He sighed. "Sis, you really shouldn’t dress like a slut."

She laughed. "But you can’t get the guys to sleep with you if you don't dress like this,” she teased as she stole another fry.

He rolled his eyes and groaned to himself. He found himself hoping Hiro didn’t notice his new addition at the table or he was sure the guy would be over here soon as you can say slut.

 "Hiiiiiiiiroooooo," a group of girls called.

The young boy turned and smiled over at the group of girls. Sluts, but yeah, that was okay. He tilted his head to the side. "Hi girls."

They giggled and wiggled their fingers in a greeting and then walked off, their skirts not concealing what was underneath, which wasn't much.

Shaking his head he heard something from his little brother, Helio, and grinned. His brother was innocent, and sweet. "Be good, little brother," he said softly and then ruffled his hair as Helio got up and walked towards the lunch line. Then, a group of boys came up to his brother and got in front of him.

Hiro growled and stood and walked over to them. "Leave. Him. Alone," he said, his eyes menacing.

Everything was silent and the boys put their hands up, "Sorry, Hiro, didn't know it was your little brother," one of them said and turned to walk away.

Hiro shook his head and wrapped his arm around his brothers shoulder, "You ok?"

Helio nodded.

Amal had watched and his ears twitched. So Hiro wasn’t always after sex. Imagine that? Of course he’d have to be a real pervert to want sex with his little brother. Then he snapped back to reality as he noticed his sister watching Hiro with glowing eyes. He sighed. He didn’t approve of his sister's ways but he'd give anything to see her happy. If she wanted to be noticed by Hiro he'd get her noticed. Reluctantly he stood and called. "Hey Hiro. Tell ya what, how bout you join me for lunch after all. But just you, not your flock of gaggling geese." His tail twitched once but other than that he managed to conceal his displeasure with what he was doing. His sister looked up at him with widened eyes and she mouthed 'thank you' silently.

Hiro looked over at him and tilted his head to the side and then walked over to them slowly, putting a hand out to his friends as in, "Don't follow me" and then sat down, an apple in his hands that he bit down into. "I knew you couldn't resist my charm." He smiled and then looked over at the girl and winked his chocolate eye and then looked back at Amal.

Amal rolled his eyes and sat down. His sister better appreciate this. "Well, I decided I should introduce you to my big sister. Hiro, this is Astra. She seems to have found you hard to get hold of." At that comment Astra actually managed a faint blush but then curled her tail sensually upwards and smiled. "Nice to finally meet you Hiro. Your little gang followers are sorta intimidating."

"Yeah, they are," he said and looked over his shoulder at them and then back at her and tilted his head to the side, "Nice to meet you, Astra," he said. Her name rolled off his tongue like sweet Champaign. He looked back at Amal. "I don't know why you don't just let me get you a bite to eat," he said. "The food here sucks."

Amal sighed. "Cause I hate your geese and plus," he said, standing, "I dislike people who are fake like you. The only moment you haven’t been fake is in protecting your little bro. But even there, if it was any other freshman you would have just let them bully the kid. I don't know why you're so keen on me but I’d rather spend time with your brother than you. I only asked you over here for Astra's sake. She actually enjoys playing your little games." He turned and dumped his tray and then walked away, taking a few deep breaths. How did he get that upset so easily? He'd have to apologize to Astra later. He was pretty sure Hiro wouldn’t be in the mood after his little display back there.

Astra blinked and watched him go, her ears and tail dropping. "I'm sorry Hiro, ignore him. He's just always so nervous and stressed out about studying." She said in a tiny voice. "I shouldn’t have let him ask you here on my sake. But I couldn't get your attention on my own." She looked up at him, a crooked smile on your face and her ears perking up just a tad. "You're legendary around this school for being good in bed, and you're sexy. How could I not be intimidated?"

He grinned and tilted his head to the side at Astra. He leaned across the table to her and whispered into her ear, brushing his lips softly against her skin, "Do you want to hear a secret, Astra? You'll have to...promise...to keep it." He brushed his hand along the side of her breast and a grin implanted on his face.

Astra shivered slightly as his touch sent sparks through her system and she had to close her eyes and swallow to get herself under control. Her ears twitched. "I promise Hiro, anything you say," she practically purred.

"I like. My girls. Or boys. To play hard. To get." He whispered, tweaking her nipple through her shirt with each word he said and then stood and walked from the table, and after Amal. Oh, could he do that? Practically KILL the pool girl then walk away? Yea, he actually could.

She shuddered and then drooped. Hard to get? Damnit, did that mean she had no chance now? I mean, she hadn’t asked him to sleep with her, but she hadn’t exactly denied him either. Then she thought about her brother and groaned. "Poor bro," she muttered to herself. Hiro had his eyes set on him. She didn’t know whether to pity him or feel jealous. She then scampered off to go home to figure out how to play hard to get.

Amal sighed as he walked down the hall, hands in his pockets. It was then one of his professor's walked out of a nearby classroom. The two almost ran into each other.

Amal blinked. "Sorry Professor Shinta, I didn't see you there." He blushed and looked down.

The professor smiled. "Please Amal, call me Isva outside of class. You did so well today, I am proud of you." Isva placed a hand on Amal's shoulder but let it linger perhaps just a few breath's too long. "Where are you heading? Would you care to accompany me for lunch? I know the school food is horrible."

Amal blushed again and nodded. "I'd be delighted Pro....I mean Isva."

Isva laughed at his slip and gestured towards the nearest exit. "My car is parked out there, shall we go?" He placed a gentle hand on Amal's back to steer him in the right direction but removed it before it could be called improper by an observer, though the hand was placed a little lower than was traditional.

Amal gulped and walked beside his professor. He was still blushing. He couldn’t help it, he knew it was wrong but he knew he was attracted to his professor.

Hiro took in a deep breath and blinked when he saw the professor and Amal together. There was a sudden twisting in his gut. What the heck? Was it the apple? It wasn't rotten, and there weren't any worms in it. What the heck was wrong?...Jealousy? No, of course not, he was never jealous, until today. He swallowed and then stopped, staring at the two, thinking of what he could do.

Amal laughed at something the professor said and then blushed heavier when the professor's blue-green tail brushed his brown one. "Isva, thank you very much for taking me out to lunch. I didn’t know what I was going to do. I don’t have a car to go out on my own and that cafeteria food was so bad I had to toss it."

He blinked and then turned. Well, forget him! he thought to himself and then walked back into the cafeteria and to the group of friends, and then sat down, slightly frustrated. Damn, he needed to get laid. But then...a interesting spark came to him. He he.

Amal turned to look over his shoulder. Strange, he thought he'd felt someone back there.

Isva asked, "What's wrong Amal?"

Amal turned and smiled. "Nothing, let's go."

Astra meanwhile had gone home and changed. She now was coming back in with a few of her friends who liked to hang out and do their work in the cafeteria area. They positioned themselves the opposite side of the Playboys gang and circled up to do their work. This time Astra was wearing a Corset with hot pink satin under black lace and a small half-jacket in black. Silver lettering on the back said "Astral Star". It was a gift from one of the friends sitting with her, Astral Star was the nickname they had given her. With the corset she wore flared jeans that were tastefully faded. They opened their books and started to work, deliberately ignoring the gang across the way.

Chuckling softly he and his friends walked, skipping the rest of school, since they really didn't feel like going, and then, when he saw Astra coming back he grinned slightly and tilted his head to the side. "Well, hi there," he said and then nodded to his friends, gesturing them to go on ahead. "Don't you look sexy."

Astra looked up at him and titled her head. "Hmm, I suppose," she said, then looked back down at her work as one of her friends tugged at her arm, asking a question. "Oh, Kay, you missed the plus sign. And you meant to take ab not a+b."

He smiled and then whispered into her ear. "Are you free?" he whispered and then nibbled onto her ear softly, his tongue slowly tracing against it and he grinned slightly as he pulled away. Damn, hopefully his plan would work.

She shivered but cut off her moan before it left her mouth. Her head was looking at the books as she struggled to keep control. Her friends were all looking between Hiro and her. "Well, I have to finish helping my friends with homework but I should have some spare time in an hour or so. If you give me your number I can call you." Damn, it was hard playing hard to get. She closed her eyes, hoping he wouldn’t just give up, and that he really did like hard to get.

He took her hand and put it down below and pressed it against his thigh softly and then wrote his number on her hand and smiled. "Call me." He flicked his cat-like tongue against her ear and then walked off, grinning triumphantly.

She gulped, slowly drawing her hand to in front of her and looking at it, her eyes wide.

"Are you crazy?" asked Kay. "Why didn’t you go with him now? We'd be fine without you."

Astra smirked. "He said he liked his girls to play hard to get."

Her friends laughed and then they rushed through the rest of their homework. When they were done Astra ran home, where she lived alone, and called the number she had been given.

He picked up on the third ring, hanging out with a few of his guy friends. "Hiro here," he said automatically and then chuckled at what one of the guys said. It was funny how he had such an easy atmosphere but he sure knew how to get things...tense.

Astra swallowed and then, "Hiro, it's Astra. I finished studying with the girls, and I'm free for the rest of the day. I'm at home right now...all alone. I have my own apartment off campus you know..."

He was silent for a moment and then on the other side of his end he grinned. "Oh yea?" he said softly and then stood up, grabbing his wallet. "How soon do you want me to come over?...And are you sure you want to do this? I don't like pressuring girls." And it was true, but then again 99 percent of the time they were the ones telling HIM they wanted him in their bed.

She smiled and you could hear it in her voice. "You can come over whenever you want and trust me, I can take anything you can dish out Hiro.”

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