Our Written Words
  TCB: Chapter 3

Freyali had decided not to go and lay down in her bed. Still without clothes she had wandered out onto the balcony to look around. She had walked to the Prince's side of the balcony when she saw a guard turn onto the grounds so she scurried inside. That was when she looked up and saw Ijori standing there reaching for his clothes. She swallowed. He looked even sexier than he had last night. And it was only his scent that assailed her nostrils: his haunting, intoxicating scent.


His hand stopped in mid-reach when she scampered into his room. His eyes widened at the nakedness of her. Then he realized he was naked too, covered only by the towel. His eyes widened more and then he hurried and pulled her inside. "Get in here. You'll catch your death outside." Why was be being so protective of her? Looking around he grabbed one of his cloaks and put it around her. "Are you alright?"


She nodded, too stunned to speak, taking in all of him. Then she took a breath and managed to stutter out an answer to his question. "I'm sorry...but...I was outside...and a guard showed up...and I don't have any clothes...and..." She stopped and looked up and down him again. "You're...really sexy in that towel."


Looking down at himself he groaned softly and then turned and pulled on a pair of clean brown pants and buttoned them up, brushing his hair from his face, his chest still bare. His back had one small scar on it, near his shoulder blade. Rolling his shoulders back he flexed his muscles then turned back to her. "Are you alright now?"


She nodded mutely and then reached out to touch his shoulder, puzzling at the scar. "Why not trust me and…take me? I trust you. I am yours to have."


He flinched slightly and took in a deep breath. "How does that sound so familiar?" His voice was a whisper and he looked away. "I could take you right now and totally discard of you. Is that what you want, little one?" he asked slowly.


She raised her hand to touch his cheek, bringing his head around to face her again, her eyes shining with her emotions. "I want you to be happy. And if that means being used and discarded by you...then so be it. But I want to be yours, if only even for a time. Please, I need to be yours.”


Groaning softly, he wrapped his arms around he and pulled her to him and held her, just like that, for a long moment. "Not yet," he whispered softly. "Not yet. I need...I need to think about this, you and I, everything."


She sighed, her head buried in his chest. ""Okay, then I will wait. But...I want you to know one thing. I love you. That is the only name that can be given to this feeling growing stronger and stronger inside of me. You are everything to me and all I want to do is be everything to you, no matter how long it takes."


Sucking in a deep breath he said nothing. What was he suppose to do? Say the words back to her? He couldn't. God, he couldn't. He didn't feel that way...did he? Closing his eyes and wrapped his arms tighter around her and rocked her slowly, not needing to say anything for now.


Freyali breathed in his scent. It made her burn with desire at the same time it calmed her. "May we sleep together tonight?" she asked quietly. She wanted to be held like this forever, she never wanted to be let go. His arms made her feel safe and protected, like she couldn't come to any harm.


Nodding softly he smiled slightly and kissed the top of her head. Smiling, that was something that he never did, ever. Nuzzling the top of her head he kissed her ears softly and then slowly let go of her. "Come now. You must be hungry."


She smiled slightly. "Yes I am. But if we are to go anywhere, is there any possibility I could get some clothes?" She stepped back and looked down at herself, clothed in only his cloak. "I mean, unless you want all in your household to see the prize you found at the markets?" she teased lightly.


Growling softly he shook his head. "No chance." He sort-of-smiled and then hurried out of the room and soon returned, carrying a gown. It had a deep purple shade to it and silver trimming along the bottom. It glittered in the sunlight. "Here, this should fit you.”


Her eyes widened and she reached out one hand to touch it. Releasing the clasp on the cloak, she let it drop to the floor. "It's beautiful!" She gently took it from his hands and slid it on over her head. She only had to make a few small adjustments before she was satisfied. She then spun around, looking down at herself and then at him. "How does it look?" she asked, sounding slightly nervous.


He found that he couldn’t speak for a few seconds, the sight of her was so stunning.. Leaning against the wall he took in a deep breath and nodded. "Words can not describe it. It would have to be in a different language. Maybe Elfish," he teased softly. He then reached out and gently took one of her hands in his, using the other hand to brush a few stray strands of hair away from her face.


She looked up at him, her eyes glistening in delight. She then pushed herself to her tiptoes and kissed him gently on the lips. "Thank you for the outfit my prince," she said after drawing away with a blush.


Grabbing her around the waist he pulled her to him and his lips went down onto hers for a soft moment. Slowly he lifted his head. "Mhhm, your welcome." Then, he smiled,  true smile. Taking her hand he lead her down towards the dinning hall. Once there he pulled out a seat and waited for her to be seated before sitting down in a seat next to her.


She sat down and looked around briefly. The dining hall was as dreary and uninviting as the rest of the castle, but she was starting to mind less. Being around him was worth anything to her. She then looked at him, her ruby eyes curious. "So what's to eat?"


For a moment he said nothing and then, with a snap of his rough-edged fingers, three servants appeared, wearing black cloaks. "How may we serve you?" Their voices were in unison and Ijori growled, his voice low, "Food. Now." He ordered, his eyes hard and they nodded and then set to work. Within a minute there was an array of different entrees set out in front of them. Once they had set the last of the dishes out the three servants bowed to the two and then vanished.


Freyali's eyes widened as she looked over all the food. There were eggs and omelettes and chicken and hash and home-style fries and ...well, everything. She looked at Ijori. "What, where did all this come from?"


A sheepish smile appeared onto his face and a shoulder came up in an even more sheepish shrug. "They are my workers. If I demand something they are always two steps ahead of me." He reached out and took a bite of some egg, a small smile still implanted on his face.


She blinked and started to nibble on a piece of bacon. She'd never seen so much or such rich food at once. "Well, what about the people of the village we passed? Do they have enough to eat?”


He blinked. As he continued to eat, he answered her. "They are not of my concern really. If they starve it is not my fault, and to be honest why should I care?"


Her tail twitched violently and she pushed her food away. "You forget," she said icily. "I know how it is to be the one to starve." She looked over the food, suddenly feeling slightly sick as she thought about all the little children and her friends at the slave market who didn't have much to eat right now and the people from the village they had passed. How could she sit here and eat to her content knowing they starved?


"I...I did not realize." Taking in a deep breath he nodded. "I am sorry that I upset you. I did not mean to. Really, I did not." He reached over and took her hand softly. "I am sorry. I will...think of something. I promise."


Her tail twitched again but she let herself soften. "It's okay, just...give some of this food to the village, we will not eat it all. After all, it will go to waste anyways right?"


Nodding he smiled. "Right, I promise." He patted her hand and then took a large bite of the egg and then leaned back, satisfied when she started eating again. Watching her eat was like watching an artist paint: so delicate, so deliberate. "So, my little one, what shall we do today?"

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